confusing power grid
Artist introduction.Scroll down to see↓↓↓
☆Artist introduction video

Alex Danny S


I Made Dabi Arnasa


Dede Cipon


Fajar Amail 


Herman Priyono


Putu Sutawijaya


Keita Ando


Robet Kan


Navi Nguyễn 


Wayan Yusa Dirgantara


Syarif Hidayatullah


Koutaku Yoshinaga


 Hironori Minematsu


Jung, MI-jung 정미 정 / 鄭 美 正

There are many uncertain and unpredictable events, but all the ARTISTs face their own work without being swayed by the social situation, and even at this moment, they are producing works in this world.
 we are sensitive to the surroundings, but I also incorporate the outside situation into my production activities so that my inner roots do not collapse.
 Of course, even in the midst of the corona turmoil, all the ARTISTs on display, including myself, faced the inside and outside without stopping, and produced works.
 As of 2021, we has not yet lifted the ban on travel in World, and it is physically difficult to actually hold an exchange exhibition with everyone who produces such wonderful works, but now it is a cyberspace that can clear all the restrictions of place and time. there is.
 Therefore, in order to take advantage of the advanced technology, we decided to hold an exchange exhibition in the cyberspace.
 For the artist selection, I chose the ARTISTs I met at Indonesia yogyakarta, where I stayed last year, the Vietnamese ARTISTs I met on Instagram, and the Japanese ARTISTs.
 The style are all different, but what each ARTISTs has in common is that they all create their works while maintaining a strong screen consciousness.
despite the fact that it is cool ARTISTs with solid ability and spirituality are gathered in cyberspace, which already has violent technical power, free energy that is confusing I thought that it could be generated, so I named the exhibition confusing power grid.
 Since the exhibition hall is in cyberspace, we are not tied to the location of the host country, time zone or period, money, and we can gather together the painters who have interacted in various places. Viewers can also immerse themselves in the exhibition without being restricted by time or place.
 Profiles of each artist are also summarized in the venue.
 We hope that you will take a look and experience the free energy of conflicting power grid.
 Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the artists who kindly participated in this exhibition.