Diana Puspita Putri (INDONESIA)

Hello my name is Diana puspita Putri, you can call me Diana.

I was a young artist woman from Indonesia. I've been actively making work for six years after entering a fine art academic. I’m painting because I want to express thoughts, opinions, and feelings through a visual work, and I am not blind to the possibility of other interpretations of the person who enjoys my work. I've made a lot of artwork based of my experience in life, accepting something bitter from seeing the other side of the phenomenon. I'm working on a project for our exhibition on “Rest” is my inspiration. The world is in a crisis since the existence of covid 19, and my country is no exception. Yet I see another side to this pandemic, where we've been too busy working to make ends meet, we've forgotten when we're taking a break. I think this pandemic gave us all enough time off. This time is an opportunity for us to evaluate ourselves, improve our abilities and figure out what we really want in this world.

Apologies for our late arrival, sending data works. Thanks to all the friends who are hosting this fair, I hope our fair is a success. Arigatou!

Name : Diana Puspita Putri

Born : Cimahi, 6 April 1996

Addres : Gesikan No. 15 Dusun Jaranan, Panggung Harjo, Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55188

Email : ledidayena@gmail.com

Instagram : @ledidayena

A. Curriculum Vitae


2014- 2019 Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

2011- 2014 SMKN 11Bandung

2008- 2011 SMP Tut Wuri Handayani

2004- 2008 SDN Cempaka

2002-2004 SDN Cimahi 1

2000- 2002 TK Ussuwatun Khasanah

B. Award:

Top 10 Art Maker Top Generation 2.0, Top Coffee Competition, 2019

Bronze Award, Emerging Artist Category, UOB Painting of The Year 35th, 2016

Winner 1st Comic Maker, province level of West Java, Polban Islamic Fair, 2013

C. Live Painting:

Painting with 12 artist on “Sketsa Distruptif” UMKM National, at Graha Sabha Pramana UGM, Yogyakarta

Painting with 6 young artist on JOGLITFEST, “Sastra Rupa”, at Vredeburg Museum

Painting with 40 Jogja artist on 75th Tahun Gus Mus, at Klenteng Sam Poo Kong, Semarang

D. Group Exhibitions:


“Kembulan” at RJ. Katamsi Galery

Salon #2, “Hallo”, at Langgeng Art Space, Yogyakarta

“Re-Neo” at Helutrans, Yogyakarta

Yogya Annual Art #5, “Hybirdity”, at Sangkring Art Project, Yogyakarta

“The Perfect Storm: Poem Of Colors”, at Langgeng Art Foundation, Yogyakarta


“All The Small Things”, at Can’s Galeri, Jakarta

“Sketsa Distruptif” UMKM Nasional, at Graha Sabha Pramana UGM, Yogyakarta

Basoeki Abdullah Art Award #3 at Basoeki Abdullah Museum, Jakarta

Nandur Srawung 6 “Gegayutan” at Taman Budaya Yogyakarta

ARTJOG MMXIX, Share Residence (Poklong Anding) at Jogja National Museum

“Redefining Chapter” at Redbase Art Foundation, Yogyakarta

“SALON” at Langgeng Art Foundation, Yogyakarta

Yogya Annual Art #4, “Incumbent” at Lorong Sangkring, Yogyakarta

“Vice Versa”, Indonesian x Malaysian artist, at Badai Art Studio, Yogyakarta

“AHOY”, final exam project, school year 2018/2019 Fine Art ISI Yogyakarta, RJ Katamsi Gallery

“Tribute to OHD, 80-nan Ampuh”, at Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta.

“KO SEN”, Chinese New Year Art Exhibition, at Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta.


“Ringroad”, PerupaMuda #3, at Bale Banjar Sangkring, Yogyakarta.

“Japuik Tabao #2” at Bentara Budaya Bali.

“Ikhlas Experience - Charity for Lombok”, at Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta.

“Ingredients” at Limanjawi Art House, Magelang.

“Positioning”, Yogya Anuual Art #3 at Sangkring Art Project, Yogyakarta.

“To Be Known” at Indies Heritage Hotel, Yogyakarta.

“APIK” at RJ. KatamsiGalery, Yogyakarta.

“SENSI”, Komunitas Tulang Rusuk at Jogja Galery, Yogyakarta.


“Estrelass Art Nov” at Breeze Art Space, Tangerang.

“November On Papper, Perupa Muda #2”, at Sangkring Art Space, Yogyakarta.

“Fragmen Kecil” Women Artists 2014 at Nalarroepa, Yogyakarta.

Indie Band “Brightsize Trio Goes to Europe” at Sangkring Art Space, Yogyakarta.

“The Silent Earth” at Titik Temu Art Space, Bandung.


“Basoeki Abdullah Art Award 2016” at Basoeki Abdullah Museum, Jakarta.

“UOB Painting of The Year 35th 2016” at Ciputra Art Preneur, Jakarta.

"Guyub Rupa” Delegasi Kampus Seni, at Semarang .

“Dies Natalis ke-32 ISI Yogyakarta” at Galeri RJ Katamsi, ISI Yogyakarta.

“Dies Natalis UMY Yogyakarta”, Yogyakarta .


Fine Art 2014 “DISLEKSIA” at Jogja Nasional Museum, Yogyakarta.

Sketsa Bersama Universitas Negeri Semarang “Revitalisasi Pendidikan” at Museum Ranggawarsita, Semarang.

“Dies Mortalis ISI Yogyakarta 31th” at Kebun Bibi, Yogyakarta .

Dies Mortalis, “Die Fatalist” ISI Yogyakarta at Bazar Rakyat ISI Yogyakarta.

“Under Contruction” at JogjaGaleri, Yogyakarta

“Jogja Skalarichter” at Pendhapa Art Space, Yogyakarta

“Rambut Putih” with Malioboro Street Artist, at Tahun Mas, Kasongan Yogyakarta .

“Lagi Mlaku”, Manymore Home Jogoripon, SewonBantul, Yogyakarta.

Art For Orangutan “Life Umbrella Species” at Jogja Nasional Museum, Yogyakarta.

confusing power grid

Group exhibition of talented artists from Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea, Japan. There are five areas: EXHIBITION, ARTIST, STUDIO,STATEMENT,COMMENT A big thank you to all the artists involved. Keita Ando


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