about Herman Priyono

about Herman Priyono 

 Herman, an artist from the prestigious Indonesia Institute of Arts Yogyakarta.
 I met Herman when a young artist, Yusa, organized a tour of he studio.

 At that time, he showed me his work, and when I asked him about the theme and concept, he answered, "I'm basically doing nothing conceptual."
 In other words, it's not a conceptual artist, but a pure painter. (Maybe everyone who participated in this exhibition)

 So, I think it's better to let him feel what he wants to say directly from his work, rather than writing down his impressions of Herman's work and personality.
 However, in the first place, the review itself for the exhibitors has a strong meaning of the impression that I had as a fan, so I would like to write about Herman's work without hesitation.

  Herman's work is built with a dark world view.
 In addition, many horned characters will appear in the work.
 The characters are riding a motorcycle-like vehicle that has been deformed in the work, shopping, and devoting their hearts in a picture with the word "LOVE" made of neon tubes. While looking at the dark world, I feel something everyday.
 Also, the word lie is included in the symbols on the Internet ...

 Perhaps, I think that the picture shows the everyday scenery and world view of his Herman living in jogja as it is.

 Here, I would like to talk a little about it. About eight years ago, when I was a student, I participated in a group exhibition of prints and I was in the hall.
 At that time, a woodblock painter named KEISEI KOBAYASHI visited the hall and had the opportunity to see the work.
 At that time, KEISEI said, "There are roughly two types of artists, one that you should talk about your work and the other that loses the more you talk. You are the latter. Show only the work without saying anything. Please guess the rest! Please feel like that. "

 Applying the theory that they fall into two broad categories, he probably thinks Herman is the latter and has a solid understanding of his strengths.
 Rather, when you look at the picture, the strong world view and content you want to convey come in without the need for words.
 The characters that you want to convey in the "neon tube series" with the neon tube embedded in the picture are directly inserted, and you can see the scene of a vehicle like a motorcycle (people living in jogja often move by motorcycle). , Gojek, a service that was already popular in 2019, has a motorcycle taxi in addition to delivery food and housework. It is a pioneering service of Japanese Uber Eats)

 Herman's own intense dark worldview is mixed with such a scene, which is very addictive to me and impresses me.

 terima kashi Herman !!
 I was paralyzed in the dark world!
 Let's drink so much near time on the beach! !! (After Puasa)

 Keita Ando's review

confusing power grid

Group exhibition of talented artists from Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea, Japan. There are five areas: EXHIBITION, ARTIST, STUDIO,STATEMENT,COMMENT A big thank you to all the artists involved. Keita Ando


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