about Alex Danny S

about Alex Danny S 

 Alex, an artist living in indonesia.
 Perhaps I have no direct acquaintance with Alex, but the participating artists introduced him to the outline of this exhibition, and he provided me with the work and production process.

 Alex's work was impressed with the animism values ​​that can be conveyed through the screen.
 After that, I was convinced by watching the promotional video of his production process. This is because the method of shaving the branches of a tree, trimming it with flames, and making a portrait of something that is not in the shape of a person in a natural place was carefully projected.
 (Embarrassingly, I didn't cut the fallen tree branches and draw them as they were until I went to yogyakarta. Of course I was used to the well-equipped painting materials, but I picked up the fallen trees and picked them up. When I improvised a caricature, I struggled interestingly. I remember Robet, syarif, and all the artists in yogyakarta getting used to it, which made me feel envious. Of course, I think it is a major premise to use painting materials of solid quality because it affects the work itself, such as color development and preservation. However, I felt indescribable envy. .)

 When I watch Alex's video, my eyes get the illusion that the branches and painting knives are sometimes his hands.
 It's a really strange feeling, but I'll post his video below, so I hope you can relax and watch it.

 terima kashi Alex!
 I want to talk to you someday!
 Keita Ando's review

confusing power grid

Group exhibition of talented artists from Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea, Japan. There are five areas: EXHIBITION, ARTIST, STUDIO,STATEMENT,COMMENT A big thank you to all the artists involved. Keita Ando


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