本展覧会纏め Finally summary at this exhibition

 Finally summary at this exhibition
(English sentences are below↓)

安藤圭汰 Keita Ando
2021年1月「confusing power grid」を開催した経緯として、私が2019年にお世話になったindonesia yogyakartaの sangkring art spaceの皆様との交流による影響が多大にあります。

もう1つstatementとは別の経緯として、2020年に閉廊した「宇久画廊」 川上繁治さんの影響があります。

「confusing power grid」を開催した経緯はstatement文(statement欄から閲覧できます)の通りなのですが、上記の2点が企画とは別の大事な下敷きになっています。

最後に、展覧会に快く参加してくれたartistの皆様、このWEB SITE内の展示を楽しんでくれた皆様、そしてサポートしてくれた皆様、本当にありがとうございました。
「confusing power grid」はWEB SITE上での展示の為、引き続き残しておこうと思います。

2021.2.8  安藤圭汰

The reason why my held the "confusing power grid" in January 2021 is that the interaction with the sangkring art space of indonesia yogyakarta 2019, has a great influence.

 Another background that is different from the statement is the influence of Mr. Shigeharu Kawakami of "UKU Gallery", which closed in 2020.

 I received from Mr. Kawakami about language study and various other benefits, and at that time I heard about gallery planning and various other cross-border activities.
 When planning this exhibition, I used the activities of Mr. Kawakami of "UKU Gallery" as a reference.
 (I hope I can explain UKU Gallery in detail at another time someday. I have had two solo exhibitions and Mr. Kawakami teach me English, and I am still receiving great benefits as of 2021. )
 The process of holding the "confusing power grid" is as described in the statement, but the above two points are important underlays that are different from the project.

 Finally, I would like to thank all the artists who kindly participated in the exhibition, everyone who enjoyed the exhibition in this WEB SITE, and everyone who supported me.
 The "confusing power grid" will be exhibited on the WEB SITE, so I will continue to keep it.
 We hope that you will continue to enjoy the works of talented artists.
 (Everyone's instagram is posted in the artist column, so I'd be happy if you could see future activities.)

 2021.2.8 Keita Ando


Sorry for the Japanese article. However, I hope you enjoy the atmosphere with the photos.

Thankfully, it is also posted on the ASP site.

UKU gallery  -landscape-

confusing power grid

Group exhibition of talented artists from Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea, Japan. There are five areas: EXHIBITION, ARTIST, STUDIO,STATEMENT,COMMENT A big thank you to all the artists involved. Keita Ando


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